New truck lift world record with adhesive

New truck lift world record with adhesive

Lifting 17,500 Kg truck with adhesive breaks the world record

The Guinness World Records has recently recognized a new truck lift world record. The previous record of 16.3 metric tons was surpassed by the new record: lifting a truck of 17.5 metric tons one meter from the ground by using 3 grams of adhesive.

DELO holds the new truck lift world record

The party to break the world record is adhesive manufacturer DELO which developed a super strong adhesive to go against the current record in truck lifting. The 17, 500 kg truck was lifted with a crane to a height of one meter and let hung in the air for an hour on a bonded aluminum cylinder with a radius of 3.5 cm corresponding to the diameter of a standard beverage can.

The record was witnessed not only by about 600 DELO employees, but also two local politicians and an official adjudicator from Guinness World Records were present. Taking the chance and breaking the record was an absolute team effort and a showcase of the extremes their adhesives can achieve, according to Sabine Herold, managing partner of DELO.

Special adhesive developed for the attempt

The heat resistant DELO MONOPOX is an adhesive specially developed for the attempt. It is a single component, heat curing epoxy adhesive. The adhesive´s epoxy resin gives the product its extreme strength making it and similar products ideal for use in automotive industry and mechanical engineering.

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