Looking back at Lijm Event 2019

Looking back at Lijm Event 2019

AdhesivePlatform visits Lijm Event 2019

The 6th edition of the Dutch high-tech glue and adhesive event, Lijm Event 2019, took place on the 1st of October in Veldhoven, the Netherlands. Organized by Mikrocentrum, the event offered a unique opportunity to get to deepen insights of of the adhesive industry as a whole regarding adhesive systems, application machinery and equipment as well as system testing. Also AdhesivePlatform was present to broaden horizons.

Successful networking at Mikrocentrum

Lijm Event 2019 brought together companies, research institutions and other organizations that deal with adhesives in their daily operations. For us at AdhesivePlatform the event offered a great opportunity to deepen our knowledge on adhesives and everything around them. Also successful networking took place as contact was made with companies producing glues and adhesives for niche markets, manufacturing application equipment and specializing in surface preparation and pretreatment.

Interesting presentations by specialists in the industry

The main activity in Lijm Event 2019 were presentations held by organizations specializing in different niches within the adhesives industry. The opportunity was given to attend presentations such as gluing in challenging environments by Viba, importance of controlled application processes by Dopag/MeterMix and the concept of Glue 2.0 by ASML which emphasizes early supplier involvement as well as integrated training and certification within adhesives industry.

Summing up Lijm Event

All in all, Mikrocentrum´s Lijm Event 2019 was a great opportunity to look deeper into the high-tech adhesives market as well as products designed for special niches within. The event can certainly be recommended for all organization dealing with adhesives, high-tech innovations within the industry as well as industry research. The Lijm Event focuses mainly on BeNeLux but offers interesting opportunities also for internationally operating organizations.

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